Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I apologize for the delay. And a question for you.

Progress on Helsreach is at a standstill for a moment. I had a long drill this past weekend with my National Guard unit. Now there's a renovation crew reconstructing my bathroom. Don't worry, its destruction was a planned event.

Now for the question. What was your favorite aspect of the Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader book? The book, mind you, not the rules. As far as I'm concerned, the rules themselves are almost unplayable. I'll be using different rules for playing in and around Helsreach.

Obviously, my favorite aspect of the book was and is the section on Helsreach. If I'm not mistaken, Paul Bonner did the art for the section. He also did the art for the majority of the Imperial Guard articles to appear in White Dwarf issues 109-111 or so. Great stuff. I've already described other reasons why I like the section.

How about you? The wacky scenario generator? Adrian Smith's chaotic, illustrations? The mercenary getting gutshot by an ork?

Let us know in your comments below.


  1. Hi!

    I believe it was Carl Critchlow who did the artwork for Helsreach and Ian Miller that produced all the awesome black and white stuff from the original Rogue Trader!

    I do love the artwork throughout the book as it had a real character of its own compared to the bland but well produced nature of the new stuff that GW churns out and each artist had a different style which really enriched the setting ranging from the comic style of Pete Knifton and Carl Chrithlow to the grim stylised work of Ian Miller and lots of others inbetween!

    I think the best thing about the book though was it was more of a tome of inspiration than a rulebook as such. Its whole aim was to get the prospective player to come up with their own forces, background and setting within the very darkly comic Rogue Trader universe. Every photo, illustration and piece of text was there as a game hook or inspiration.

    Compare it to now where its getting difficult to figure out who illustrates what and the sheer blandness of Grimdark and reliance on rules, collecting huge forces to play a decent game and the whole competitive nature of the hobby.

    No wonder so many folks are finding inspiration in a series of rulesets that have been out of print for almost 20 years which encouraged people to play to enjoy the experience rather than to just win!

    All the best!

  2. Well put. I stand corrected. Ian Miller. Adrain Smith really came into his own with the Realms of Chaos books. And Carl Critchlow. How could I have forgotten. It's what I get for not having the book open and trying to go from memory.

    Shall I make corrections or remain perfectly imperfect?

  3. FWIW, please remain absolutely perfectly imperfect! Reminds one of one's humanity...;-)
    The RT book and the beaky marines were inspirational and worthy of revisiting. Signed->an old f@rt who has them also. (and a doctor who works with PTSD) Keep up the blog and its path!

    1. Mark, I presume you've seen my posts regarding Combat Stress, then?
